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The One The Selection Kiera Cass Books

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The One The Selection Kiera Cass Books


This is the semi-final book in this series. There are two sequels for America and Maxon's daughter, and a volume of novellas with supplemental stories if you like that sort of thing. This review isn’t picayune nitpicking—these are major problems. When we last saw America Singer, she vowed to win Prince Maxi-Pad. SHE LIED. If there is any doubt that America is as much of a dirtbag as Prince Maxi-Pad, this quote should seal the deal:

"At least if Aspen still thinks there’s a chance, maybe we could try again when everything’s over."

Aspen is nothing but sloppy seconds. America’s sister tries to tell her she’s “better than this,” even though we all know she isn’t. But don't feel sorry for him; he gets a nice maid out of the deal in the end. Anyway…

Maple Syrup, Anyone?
You’ll need it for the flatter than pancake characters. King Clarkson twirls his mustache and delivers abusive lines from an after school special. Queen Amberly is all of the gentility of Melanie Wilkes with none of the spunk or valor. Aspen is the guy at the gym who picks things up and puts them down. Celeste flips and becomes America’s advocate for no good reason. Paige, the hooker with a heart of gold, is introduced as a major character complete with backstory, then is never seen again. Kota is a jerk, end of story. I think I need insulin.

Cheese and Corn Casserole
No, I'm not talking about the food, because that's never described. I'm talking about clichés. This can be subjective, but usually you can tell it's cliché because it's used to pound the message in with a jackhammer when a few light taps would have done just as well-- in fact, much better. The wedding epilogue in particular is chock full of clichés that will satisfy even the hungriest cheesy corn addict… Or the letters Prince Maxi-Pad wrote to America while she was at her father’s funeral. Gag.

Al-Qaeda Walks Into The White House
It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but imagine it. They request a private meeting with the President and First Lady with NO Secret Service protection. NOT HAPPENING, right? So when two rebels walk into the palace and ask for an unguarded meeting with Prince Maxi-Pad and America, what do you think happens? THEY GET IT. The ongoing incompetence of the palace guard would simply never be tolerated like it is in this series. This is carried to extreme levels of absurdity. NOTHING in this series would happen the way it did, especially replacing half the guard without being noticed.

Talk To Your Rebels About Gun Control
After all that war, all 357 million privately owned guns in the US just disappeared, and everyone forgot how to make them, except the government—and apparently, the southern rebels. How convenient. When the northern rebels ally themselves with the monarchy and ask for help, they get it basically in the form of stone knives and bear skins until Italy sidesteps the king. Good grief. When America finally gets a gun, she wastes all of her ammunition trying to shoot her way out of a panic room.

Dude, Where’s My DD214?
Soldiers never have been, and never will be, one step below royalty on the social scale. That’s not the way it SHOULD be, but that’s the way it is. Soldiers are treated like grunts because they are considered just muscle. Only Spartans put them at the top of the food chain. Does Illogica look like Sparta to you? Does Aspen seem like someone who could lead 300 Neopolitans to fight the Visigoth hordes in Safeway? Of course not.

The Family Jewels
Maxi-Pad gives America some jewelry, like he has given all the Selected throughout the series. However, he tells her that everything they have been given up to this point has been costume jewelry. So were the other Selected sent home not knowing their jewelry was not made of genuine materials? Why would you do that to people? It's such a dirty trick. Some of them are going to fall on hard times, try to sell these pieces, and have the rug yanked out from under them.

Why was it even necessary to even toss this detail in at this point? It didn't reveal anything about any of the ladies' characters, and if it were completely omitted it would make zero difference to the story. All it does is make the royal family look even more like a clueless cow pile, especially Maxi-Pad.

If It Does Not Fit, You Should Omit
Marshmallow fluff is not bad, but it should be consistent all the way through. You can’t take me 2/3rds of the way through the jar and throw in a chicken leg. I have a HUGE problem with America brokering an arms deal with the Rebels and the Italian princess. Aside from the fact that it never would have happened, this is a candy coated slightly dystopian romance, not Tom Clancy. This plot thread does not fit into the genre. A thread where the Italians actively promote and support America in the press would have been much more appropriate.

The Red Wedding thing falls into this as well. Somebody tripping Kriss and dunking Celeste’s head in the punch bowl would have been the right thing to do here. There were other ways of getting rid of these people. Dumping the king was convenient, but the queen was a neutral party who could have been useful in future books in cameo appearances. All this did was present a deux ex machina that removed all obstacles to America winning Prince Maxi-Pad.

Plus, dumping Celeste was definitely a mistake, and it was SO out of place. This series is a cash cow, and Celeste would have been PERFECT for a spin-off series outside the palace, or maybe with a cousin of the royals. It wouldn't be hard to resurrect her for it, though. Then I could have more garbage to read, and Cass would have a bigger revenue stream. Just think about it, Cass.

Outright Logic Fail
Kota, the social-climbing brother, threatens to out America and Aspen to Prince Maxi-Pad. When you marry the prince in Illogica, your family comes along for the royal ride. Why would the social climber sabotage his chance at becoming a royal like that? If anything, he would be sabotaging the *other* contestants and trying to arrange for Aspen to be transferred to the front lines of the war.

America and Maxon go out to meet the rebels JUST because they think King Clarkson is lying about the casualty numbers. America is shot in the arm and no one notices. Prince Maxi-Pad rips America’s dress off and they just cuddle. RIGHT.

Fashionable Nomenclature
I wasn’t going to comment on the names, but the fact is that they ARE pretty ridiculous. I went to the publisher’s site and there is a video on the pronunciation of names in this series. Most of the names are just regular names spelled differently enough to make you trip over them while reading them. If you have to make a video so that people know how to say it, you’re doing it wrong.

America’s name is kind of explained, but that doesn’t make it any less irritating. Look at my reviews. “America is so stupid. America is ungrateful. America is a dirtbag.” Am I talking about a fictional character, or am I trash talking my country? Is this book meant to be some kind of metaphor for how stupid and spoiled the author thinks America is, and is she laughing every time a negative reviewer makes a statement like that? With all the plot holes in this series, I shouldn’t credit her with that kind of brilliance, but I have to wonder.

If you’ve already read the first two books, you might as well read this one and finish it. Be warned that it’s all over the place, it doesn’t make sense, and it’s irritating to read. Everything I mentioned about the first two books applies to this one times ten. I liked the book and the series. It’s right up my alley, but all of the technical problems, the abject stupidity, the willful ignorance, and the “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” attitude of the author built to a fever pitch in this book that became too heinous to bear.

I mean, I’m not an expert, but this series should have been mapped out in advance, and someone should have heavily edited this. Maybe they did, and this is the least odious edition they could have published, but I find that hard to believe given the range of other authors this publisher has. Of course, they’re laughing all the way to the bank, and I’m giving my copies of this series to my nieces for Christmas. This final book barely makes the “so bad it’s good” cut for me. I’m going to have to re-read Breaking Dawn as a palate cleanser before I even think about reading another book by this author, and that’s not a good thing, Buttercup.

Amerenesmee, you will have to wait.

Read The One The Selection Kiera Cass Books

Tags : The One (The Selection) (0884676657818): Kiera Cass: Books,Kiera Cass,The One (The Selection),HarperTeen,0062059998,Dystopian,Romance - General,Royalty,Contests,Contests;Fiction.,Love,Love stories,Marriage,Marriage;Fiction.,Princes,Revolutionaries,Social classes,Social classes;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Fiction-Romance,Girls & Women,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage),Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),Social classes,Social classes;Fiction.,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,Teen romance; teen dystopia; dystopian YA; young adult romance; kiera cass; selection series; fairy tale romance; royal romance; king; queen; princess; prince; america singer; maxon schreave; maxon; aspen,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Royalty,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionRoyalty,Girls & Women,Love & Romance,Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Royalty,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionRoyalty,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage)

The One The Selection Kiera Cass Books Reviews

I read the other two books in the series and for some strange reason I loved them. I waited what seemed like a long time for this final book. This book was more than worth the wait. America grew up in this book and we left her as a woman in charge of her life. I do not want any spoilers in my review, infact I refused to read any of the reviews until I read the book myself. I didn't want the experience spoiled for me. As our own lives go on things change with lose and love, and it was not any different for America. Things were lost, never to be found and love grew in many different directions. She learned truths about the people she loved and those around her. She learned truths about herself. And the most important lesson she learned in this book is that you can never go back, becaue that time and past are already lost to the hands of time. This book took a different direction than the last two by bringing the world outside the selection in. I loved it! I am reading it again already. I might have to stop and actually start back at the Selection and read them all from the beginning! This series has been a joy for me!
Favorite Quote

“Don’t worry. The best people all have some kind of scar.” I thought of Marlee’s hands and Maxon’s back. They both held permanent marks of their bravery. I was honored to join them.

Where I used to imagine you as a girl with a bag full of stones, ready to throw them at any foe who crossed her path, you have become the stone itself. You are steady and able.

We moved quickly to the end of the short hallway, and the first thing I noticed was the bright sun coming in through the window. Didn’t the sky know the world was falling apart? How could the sun shine today?

So I’m a bit conflicted in this one because it was left kinda open ended. And I’m not sure I liked how the ending came about (felt a bit too nicely tied up) but as a whole the series was great. Now I’m aware this isn’t technically the end of the series. But it is the end of America and Maxon’s love story. I might be interested in reading on to see the lives of more people in this world. I’d love to see more about how they plan to change the caste system.

Throughout the entire series we see how much the caste system effects everyone in the kingdom. We see the privlidged and how they live and act. And we also see the lower castes and what the have, or rather, what they don’t have. We see the rebels and their sides as well. And with all that world building I guess I expected more to come out of the civil unrest I guess.

I love a good dystopian, and this one was great, but the love story held so much focus that we didn’t see much in the way of resolution in that aspect. In fact, everything we learn is mostly second hand info, and none of it is actually acted on by the main characters. I think when I read the others, I’m hoping for more in that department. Still a great book and series.
This is definitely a series for 15 and under. I will say the writing and editing is good, but the characters, plausibility and story line isn't. Silly names made up by a teenager. Silly places also named by a teenager. The main character, America, is a classic, airhead, selfish teenager who takes far to long long to make her mind up and to do right by the main men in her life. I was irritated throughout most of this series and had a hard time finishing them. I truly regret the money I spent.

This is the semi-final book in this series. There are two sequels for America and Maxon's daughter, and a volume of novellas with supplemental stories if you like that sort of thing. This review isn’t picayune nitpicking—these are major problems. When we last saw America Singer, she vowed to win Prince Maxi-Pad. SHE LIED. If there is any doubt that America is as much of a dirtbag as Prince Maxi-Pad, this quote should seal the deal

"At least if Aspen still thinks there’s a chance, maybe we could try again when everything’s over."

Aspen is nothing but sloppy seconds. America’s sister tries to tell her she’s “better than this,” even though we all know she isn’t. But don't feel sorry for him; he gets a nice maid out of the deal in the end. Anyway…

Maple Syrup, Anyone?
You’ll need it for the flatter than pancake characters. King Clarkson twirls his mustache and delivers abusive lines from an after school special. Queen Amberly is all of the gentility of Melanie Wilkes with none of the spunk or valor. Aspen is the guy at the gym who picks things up and puts them down. Celeste flips and becomes America’s advocate for no good reason. Paige, the hooker with a heart of gold, is introduced as a major character complete with backstory, then is never seen again. Kota is a jerk, end of story. I think I need insulin.

Cheese and Corn Casserole
No, I'm not talking about the food, because that's never described. I'm talking about clichés. This can be subjective, but usually you can tell it's cliché because it's used to pound the message in with a jackhammer when a few light taps would have done just as well-- in fact, much better. The wedding epilogue in particular is chock full of clichés that will satisfy even the hungriest cheesy corn addict… Or the letters Prince Maxi-Pad wrote to America while she was at her father’s funeral. Gag.

Al-Qaeda Walks Into The White House
It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but imagine it. They request a private meeting with the President and First Lady with NO Secret Service protection. NOT HAPPENING, right? So when two rebels walk into the palace and ask for an unguarded meeting with Prince Maxi-Pad and America, what do you think happens? THEY GET IT. The ongoing incompetence of the palace guard would simply never be tolerated like it is in this series. This is carried to extreme levels of absurdity. NOTHING in this series would happen the way it did, especially replacing half the guard without being noticed.

Talk To Your Rebels About Gun Control
After all that war, all 357 million privately owned guns in the US just disappeared, and everyone forgot how to make them, except the government—and apparently, the southern rebels. How convenient. When the northern rebels ally themselves with the monarchy and ask for help, they get it basically in the form of stone knives and bear skins until Italy sidesteps the king. Good grief. When America finally gets a gun, she wastes all of her ammunition trying to shoot her way out of a panic room.

Dude, Where’s My DD214?
Soldiers never have been, and never will be, one step below royalty on the social scale. That’s not the way it SHOULD be, but that’s the way it is. Soldiers are treated like grunts because they are considered just muscle. Only Spartans put them at the top of the food chain. Does Illogica look like Sparta to you? Does Aspen seem like someone who could lead 300 Neopolitans to fight the Visigoth hordes in Safeway? Of course not.

The Family Jewels
Maxi-Pad gives America some jewelry, like he has given all the Selected throughout the series. However, he tells her that everything they have been given up to this point has been costume jewelry. So were the other Selected sent home not knowing their jewelry was not made of genuine materials? Why would you do that to people? It's such a dirty trick. Some of them are going to fall on hard times, try to sell these pieces, and have the rug yanked out from under them.

Why was it even necessary to even toss this detail in at this point? It didn't reveal anything about any of the ladies' characters, and if it were completely omitted it would make zero difference to the story. All it does is make the royal family look even more like a clueless cow pile, especially Maxi-Pad.

If It Does Not Fit, You Should Omit
Marshmallow fluff is not bad, but it should be consistent all the way through. You can’t take me 2/3rds of the way through the jar and throw in a chicken leg. I have a HUGE problem with America brokering an arms deal with the Rebels and the Italian princess. Aside from the fact that it never would have happened, this is a candy coated slightly dystopian romance, not Tom Clancy. This plot thread does not fit into the genre. A thread where the Italians actively promote and support America in the press would have been much more appropriate.

The Red Wedding thing falls into this as well. Somebody tripping Kriss and dunking Celeste’s head in the punch bowl would have been the right thing to do here. There were other ways of getting rid of these people. Dumping the king was convenient, but the queen was a neutral party who could have been useful in future books in cameo appearances. All this did was present a deux ex machina that removed all obstacles to America winning Prince Maxi-Pad.

Plus, dumping Celeste was definitely a mistake, and it was SO out of place. This series is a cash cow, and Celeste would have been PERFECT for a spin-off series outside the palace, or maybe with a cousin of the royals. It wouldn't be hard to resurrect her for it, though. Then I could have more garbage to read, and Cass would have a bigger revenue stream. Just think about it, Cass.

Outright Logic Fail
Kota, the social-climbing brother, threatens to out America and Aspen to Prince Maxi-Pad. When you marry the prince in Illogica, your family comes along for the royal ride. Why would the social climber sabotage his chance at becoming a royal like that? If anything, he would be sabotaging the *other* contestants and trying to arrange for Aspen to be transferred to the front lines of the war.

America and Maxon go out to meet the rebels JUST because they think King Clarkson is lying about the casualty numbers. America is shot in the arm and no one notices. Prince Maxi-Pad rips America’s dress off and they just cuddle. RIGHT.

Fashionable Nomenclature
I wasn’t going to comment on the names, but the fact is that they ARE pretty ridiculous. I went to the publisher’s site and there is a video on the pronunciation of names in this series. Most of the names are just regular names spelled differently enough to make you trip over them while reading them. If you have to make a video so that people know how to say it, you’re doing it wrong.

America’s name is kind of explained, but that doesn’t make it any less irritating. Look at my reviews. “America is so stupid. America is ungrateful. America is a dirtbag.” Am I talking about a fictional character, or am I trash talking my country? Is this book meant to be some kind of metaphor for how stupid and spoiled the author thinks America is, and is she laughing every time a negative reviewer makes a statement like that? With all the plot holes in this series, I shouldn’t credit her with that kind of brilliance, but I have to wonder.

If you’ve already read the first two books, you might as well read this one and finish it. Be warned that it’s all over the place, it doesn’t make sense, and it’s irritating to read. Everything I mentioned about the first two books applies to this one times ten. I liked the book and the series. It’s right up my alley, but all of the technical problems, the abject stupidity, the willful ignorance, and the “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” attitude of the author built to a fever pitch in this book that became too heinous to bear.

I mean, I’m not an expert, but this series should have been mapped out in advance, and someone should have heavily edited this. Maybe they did, and this is the least odious edition they could have published, but I find that hard to believe given the range of other authors this publisher has. Of course, they’re laughing all the way to the bank, and I’m giving my copies of this series to my nieces for Christmas. This final book barely makes the “so bad it’s good” cut for me. I’m going to have to re-read Breaking Dawn as a palate cleanser before I even think about reading another book by this author, and that’s not a good thing, Buttercup.

Amerenesmee, you will have to wait.
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